Loyal Heights Elementary


Family Handbook

Loyal Heights Elementary Family Handbook

Welcome to the Loyal Heights Online Family Handbook. This handbook is intended to help Loyal Heights families find the information that need, for example the bell schedule, technology support, contact information, academics, behavior expectations, student services and more!

Please Note: Additional content is currently being added to this page. Check back for more updates. Looking forward to seeing you in the new school year!

Loyal Heights Elementary School

We are a caring, student-centered, community-supported school. When you walk through our doors and into classrooms you feel something special! Our school families and committed staff make sure that every student is a priority. Through challenging curriculum, enrichment opportunities, and pervasive, loving support, your child’s individual needs will be met. Ask students, parents, or staff—our excitement and caring are contagious! Join us in building an outstanding school.

Loyal Heights Anti-Racist Statement

The Loyal Heights staff agreed upon an official anti-racist statement that had been created and edited by multiple school and community-based entities including the Building Leadership Team (BLT), LHE Racial Equity Team (RET), the PTA Board, and the Parent Equity Group.

“At Loyal Heights, we believe being anti-racist is understanding that racism is everyone’s problem. We acknowledge there is a role that all people, in particular white people, have in dismantling racism through partnership. By actively becoming an anti-racist school we will ensure all students, including those furthest away from educational justice, thrive. Additionally, we will foster opportunities for students to learn and actively participate in anti-racist practices. As a result, we will create a safe, inclusive, and constructive learning environment and community for all.”

Learning is built on quality instruction and the active participation of learners.
We will cultivate self-motivated learners. Challenging instruction will encourage children to explore their world and develop multiple solutions for complex problems.

Children are complex human beings.
We will provide a variety of ways for children to express themselves. We will strive to support the development of the “whole child.” Cultivating citizenship, responsibility, and collaboration are vital to school functions.

Successful schools build strong, collaborative community-school partnerships.

We will nurture family and community involvement.

Children’s learning strengths vary.
We will offer rich, integrated learning experiences that incorporate a variety of modalities and practices. Instruction will address different skill levels.

Children learn best when basic human needs are fulfilled.

We know and love children. We will make sure that children’­s achievements are recognized and they feel safe, fed, successful, respected, and ready to learn.

Loyal Heights empowers students to succeed! 
Staff, parents, and community members collaborate around an energized school mission that supports achievement by every student. Teachers work together on instruction. Dedicated volunteers perform important tasks, and an active PTA works to support the school and parent goals.

Loyal Heights is a caring, student-centered, community-supported school.
When you walk through our doors and into classrooms you will feel it! Our size reduced numbers of students in classrooms and committed staff makes sure that every student is a priority. Through challenging curriculum, enrichment opportunities, a comprehensive student intervention process, and tutoring support, your child’­s individual needs will be met. Ask students, parents, or staffour excitement and caring are contagious!

Welcome to our Nuts and Bolts Info! 

Please visit this page often for helpful resource links to both school and district information. 

More to come!

  • Loyal Heights student supervision schedule
  • Personal Belongings At School
  • LH Attendance
  • Contacting Your Student’s Teacher
  • Homework Policy

Seattle Public Schools encourages parents, family members, organizations, businesses, and other community members to volunteer with us!

Loyal Heights owes it’s success in large part to the involvement of parents and community members, who volunteer their time throughout the school year.

For all the details on how and a list of volunteer opportunities, please visit our Volunteers page.

Visit our School Nurse page.

Nurse Rebecca Bruck is in the building on Thursdays and Fridays.

Visit our Academic pages for and Academic Overview as well as information about our Advanced Learning, Library, Art and Instructional Music programs.

Welcome to our Student Services page.

  • Psychologist
  • 504 Policy
  • AIS Academic Intervention Specialist
  • ML Multi Learners
  • MTSS – Multi-Tiered Student Supports | Flow Chart
  • OT Occupational Therapy
  • SIT Student Intervention Team
  • Speech Therapy

At Loyal Heights we use a variety of methods for our student behavior exceptions including RULER a district based program and STAR a Loyal Heights created program.


RULER is a district wide systemic approach to social emotional development developed at the Center for Emotional Intelligence. RULER aims to infuse the principles of emotional intelligence into the immune system of pre-K to 12 schools, informing how leaders lead, teachers teach, students learn, and families support students. 
RULER is an approach to social emotional learning (SEL) that teaches emotional intelligence to people of all ages, with the goal of creating a healthier, more equitable, innovative, and compassionate society.

RULER is an acronym for the five skills of emotional intelligence.
R – Recognizing emotions
Using cues to understand what we are feeling and what others are feeling
U – Understanding emotions
Understanding the causes and consequences of an emotion
L – Labeling emotions
Giving emotions a name
E – Expressing emotions
How we show and express our emotions and how we show our emotions in socially appropriate ways
R – Regulating emotions
What we think about or do to feel more or less of an emotion or to keep feeling the same amount of an emotion

The Four RULER Anchor Tools are:
Mood Meter
Blueprint Reflections Pages

Learn more about Meta Moment on the SPS Meta Moment page.


Are you being a STAR? (Safe, Thoughtful, Accountable, Respectful)

The STAR behaviors are Loyal Heights created school-wide expectations that students and staff can refer to consistently in all areas of the building. The idea is that using the same vocabulary and enforcing a set of consistent, positive, expectations throughout the school will build a positive learning environment, a strong sense of community, resiliency, and accountability.
STAR stands for:

S for Safe, T for Thoughtful, A for Accountable, R for Respectable

What is a Star Buck ?

STAR Bucks are certificates that acknowledge positive student behavior. Like the former Beaver Buck, they will be given to acknowledge STAR behavior. Students will present their STAR Bucks to their homeroom teacher, who will then place a star on the class “Starry Night” poster in their honor. Once each class reaches their star-goal, the class earns a reward! Class rewards range from a Pajama Day, Dance Party, and extra recess.

Loyal Heights Discipline Philosophy

Loyal Heights believes in a discipline philosophy that is clear and predictable and plans to resolve and change unexpected behaviors. Our approach is a just, equitable, and empathetic learning experience.

Step 1 Behaviors

  • Disobedience
  • Arguing
  • Not producing work
  • Disruptive Behavior
  • Distracting others
  • Interfering with instruction
  • Mocking
  • Name-calling
  • Teasing
  • Yelling
  • Rule-Breaking
  • Blurting
  • Breaking playground, cafeteria, or individual classroom rules
  • Out of seat
  • Running
  • Tantrums

Step 1 Restorative Actions

General: Talk with Adult
General: “Fix It” (apology, clean up, try again)
Classroom: Teacher Based Examples Include:

Calm down 5min. break
Teacher-Created Reflection Sheet
Buddy Classroom

Recess: Examples Include:
“Fix It”
5-Minute Break / Calm-Down Corner
Change Activity
Lunch: Examples Include:
“Fix It”
Temporary Seat Change
Change Activity

Once initial investigation is done staff member may use professional judgement to determine if behavior is handled with the RULER Blueprint   in the classroom or with the Admin Referral in the office or remote.

Step 2 Behaviors

  • Bullying/Intimidation/Harassment
  • Biting/spitting 
  • Pushing 
  • Slapping 
  • Aggressive hand gestures 
  • Middle finger 
  • Defacing Property
  • Graffiti 
  • False Reporting 
  • Forgery/ writing false notes 
  • Lying 
  • Leaving School without Permission 
  • Misuse of Computer/Technology 
  • Cyber bullying 
  • Internet misuse 
  • Taking photo/video without consent 
  • Plagiarism 
  • Cheating 
  • Rule-Breaking 
  • Breaking playground, cafeteria, 
  • or individual classroom rules 
  • Verbal Assault
  • Demeaning verbal acts 
  • Profanity

Step 2 Restorative Actions

Automatic Action: 
RULER Blueprint  to be filled out by student and signed by teacher, student, sent home, signed by parents, and returned to classroom. Classroom teacher keeps RULER Blueprint in file.

Optional Action
General: Talk with adult
General: “Fix it” (apology, clean up, try again)
Classroom: Teacher Based, Calm-Down Corner, Buddy classroom
Recess: Examples Include:
“Fix It”
5-Minute Break / Calm-Down Corner
Change Activity
Lunch: Examples Include:
“Fix It”
Temporary Seat Change
Change Activity

Step 3 Behaviors

  • Assault
  • Causing personal injury/ harm 
  • Fighting 
  • Inappropriate touch 
  • Sexual misconduct 
  • Coercion 
  • Blackmail 
  • Extortion 
  • Forcing one’s ill motives on another 
  • Drug or Alcohol Use, Possession, or Distribution 
  • Controlled substances 
  • Illegal drugs 
  • Over-the-counter drugs 
  • Prescription drugs 
  • Tobacco products 
  • Fire, Arson, False Threats 
  • Gang/Hate Group Activity 
  • Gambling 
  • Hazing 
  • Malicious comments about a person’s identity, race, creed, background, culture, religion, etc.
  • Theft, Burglary, Trespassing 
  • Threats of Violence 
  • Verbal/written (including pictures) 
  • Vandalism, Malicious Property Damage 
  • Weapons 
  • Dangerous weapons 
  • Explosives, fireworks, chemicals, and incendiary devices 
  • Small folding knives 
  • Toys used as weapons 
  • Toy weapons Other Exceptional Misconduct

Step 3 Restorative Actions

Automatic Actions: Admin Referral, parents will be contacted by phone or email by the administration and teacher(s) will be included.
Possible Next Step: 
Assigned Seat on Bus 
Assigned Seat in Lunchroom 
Behavior Contract 
Other Consequence arranged between teacher and admin 
Family conference with administrator and teacher 
In-school or short term (fewer than 10 day) suspension 
MTSS Referral for Behavioral Support (optional) 
State/District Required Incident R

Refer to the below links to district policies: