Loyal Heights Elementary

Student Life

School Events & Clubs

School Events & Clubs at Loyal Heights

School day and evening events are offered throughout the year. Some events are lead by the school and others are sponsored by the LHPTA.

School Sponsored Events and Clubs

Sign ups run through the school. Information will be shared from teachers.

  • Global Reading Challenge – see more information on the Library page
  • Young Author’s Day
  • Spelling Bee
  • All School Assemblies – once a month
  • Salmon In the Schools Program
  • Pride Club – approximately once a month
  • Green Team – Leads several environmental projects throughout the year.
  • All Inclusive Lunches ( a separate space with less students and less noise.)
  • Spring All School Music Concert
  • Instrumental Concerts – twice a year
  • Variety Show – evening event in late Spring.
  • Robotics Club
  • Girls on the Run – run by outside organization but meets at Loyal Heights.

PTA School Events

All families and students are welcome to participate in these free events. Details will be shared through the weekly Principals Communicator and PTA newsletter.

  • Move A Thon
  • Harvest Night
  • Multi Cultural Night
  • Parent Education Nights
  • Trading Post book exchange – approximately once a month
  • Popcorn Fridays – approximately once a month
  • Family Dance

PTA Sponsored Enrichment

PTA offers afterschool enrichment throughout the year. Look for more information in the PTA weekly newsletter for sign up details. Opportunities change from year to year. Past years include some of the listed below.

  • Lego Club
  • Art Club
  • Spanish
  • Piano
  • TAG Theatre Production