Loyal Heights Elementary

Giving Hands 2024 – Dec. 4-5

Summary : Sign up to fill a wish from families of our school community

Giving Hands 2024 – Dec. 4-5

Sign up to fill a wish from families of our school community!

During this anonymous event, families can take a hand cutout with a gift wish written on it from a member of our school community. The hands will be on display at morning drop off and afternoon pick-up in front of the school, and the hands will be located in the entry way during the day.

How to Participate:

  1. Pick a hand from the display – it shows the type of gift/item requested.
  2. Sign your name and phone on the sign-up sheet under the corresponding number on the Giving Hand.
  3. Take the hand with you.
  4. Purchase and wrap the gift (do not wrap gift cards).
  5. Attach a blank gift tag.
  6. Return the Giving Hand with the gift to the front office, no later than Dec. 16.

Call or email Kathy Katzen with any questions. 206-252-6000 kkatzen@seattleschools.org

Thank you for your support!