Loyal Heights Elementary


New Family Information

Loyal Heights New Family Information

Do you have a kindergartner starting at Loyal Heights in the fall? Or are you new to the area or thinking about changing schools? Read below for important information.

2025 School Tours

Tours normal occur in late January and February. We offer 1 daytime tour and 1 evening tour. Check back for 2025 official dates and times.

Learn more about Loyal Heights Elementary 

While most of the incoming families will be looking at our Kindergarten program and teachers, we also acknowledge that some families will have students entering grades 1 – 5. For more upper grade content, visit the Contact tab below and The Family Handbook page. We welcome all beavers, little ones and bigger ones too!

The Loyal Heights Vision and Anti-Racist Statement

These important messages can be found on the Our School/About page of our website. 

Meet the Loyal Heights Kindergarten Team!

5 kindergarten teachers
From left to right – Teacher Valente, Mrs. Lepse, Mrs. Colwell, Mrs. Fourquet. Ms. Kerry and Mrs. Hottovy

Photo for 2024-25 school year coming soon. Current kindergarten teachers are Mrs. Lepse, Mrs. Colwell, Mrs. Fourquet and Mrs. Hottovy.

Examples of a Typical Day in Kindergarten

  • 7:55-8:05 School Starts (unpack, wash hands, warm up) (10 minutes)
  • 8:05-8:20 Calendar (15 minutes)
  • 8:20-9:00 Science/Social Studies (40 minutes)
  • 9:00-9:20 K-3 Recess (and snack outside (20 minutes)
  • 9:20-10:10 Math (50 minutes)
  • 10:10-10:20 Brain break (10 minutes)
  • 10:20-11:10 Literacy (50 minutes)
  • 11:10-11:45 Lunch/Recess (35 minutes)
  • 11:45-12:20 Social Emotional Learning (SEL)/Literacy (35 minutes)
  • 12:20-12:55 PCP (Art, Music, PE, or Library) (35 minutes)
  • 12:55-1:30 Social Learning (free choice) (35 minutes)
  • 1:30-1:40 Clean up (10 minutes)
  • 1:40-1:55 Recess (15 minutes)
  • 1:55-2:25 Pack up/Story (30 minutes)

Here are some resources to check if your child to ready for kindergarten.

  • WaKids
  • SPS Website Recommendations
  • Talk to Pediatrician
  • Talk to Preschool
  • How does your child attend and engage in groups?
  • Does your child share and take turns?
  • Refer to the next slide as a resource as well
  • There’s a lot of time until September!

Academic Support and Social Emotional Learning at LHE

The following programs are in place at Loyal Heights:

  • Counseling – Preventative and responsive
  • S.T.A.R. – Beaver Expectations
  • Ruler Framework- Yale Center Emotional Intelligence
  • MTSS-Multi-Tiered Systems of Support 
  • P.B.I.S.- Positive Behavior Intervention Supports

School Counselor

We are proud to have a full-time on-site counselor at Loyal Heights, Ms. Brittany Rider. Please visit our School Counselor page for more details about Ms. Rider.

Students are encouraged to think about their actions with these 4 concepts in mind.

Are you being a STAR ?

S is for Safe
T is for Thoughtful
A is for Accountable
R is for Rrespectful

Ruler Framework- Yale Center Emotional Intelligence

The R.U.L.E.R. Approach is a program used district wide.

The Loyal Heights MTSS – Multi-Tiered Systems of Support and PBIS – Positive Behavior Systems are detailed in the Loyal Heights Family Handbook.

Loyal Heights has a wide range of student services.

Special Education
We are a full continuum school with 2 different special education programs.

Multilingual (ML) Program
Our ML program serves all neighborhood students with English language support.

Academic Interventionist Specialist (AIS)
We have a full time AIS staff member to support students in K-3 literacy.

Learning Assistance Program (LAP)
We receive state funding for this specialist who supports students in grades 4-5 literacy.

Math Specialist
We have a part time math specialist.

Math Tutoring Program
We currently have 7 part time tutors.

We have a full time counselor.

Our speech therapist is in building Monday through Thursday.

We have an Occupational Therapist 2 days a week.

Loyal Heights Enrollment Questions Contact

Administrative Secretary, Kathy Katzen kkatzen@seattleschools.org 206-252-6000

Administrative Questions

Counselor Related Questions

Special Education Questions 

Multilingual (ML) Questions

More services and who and how to contact

Loyal Heights PTA Website

Before & After School Care Options

SPS Resources

Enrollment Information

Visit the Seattle Public School enrollment page for detailed information and deadlines. After you enroll your student and if you live within the Elementary School Attendance Area Map, you will be assigned to Loyal Heights Elementary. Visit district’s Address Look Up feature to verify if your residence is within the Loyal Heights attendance area. If you live outside the boundaries, you can still apply to be added to the wait list.