Loyal Heights Elementary

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Volunteering at Loyal Heights

We love our volunteers! Volunteer application are all done online.

Visit our district volunteer site to apply or renew your volunteer application today.

If you have questions regarding your application, please contact Mr. Steve sjbeaulieu@seattleschools.org

When volunteers commit to serving at a Loyal Heights Elementary, students achieve higher grades, have access to more opportunities, and gain community connections to help them thrive.

  • Research shows that students who receive direct support from volunteers achieve higher grades, test scores, and are more likely to graduate.
  • When volunteers provide support to staff, educators have more time for instruction and individualized support for students working to meet academic standards.
  • Volunteers make programs supporting lowest-income students possible: Friday food bank deliveries, preventing weekend hunger, school supply drives, etc.
  • Schools with large numbers of volunteers offer students more learning experiences through clubs, field trips, enrichment.

Being a volunteer helps Loyal Heights Elementary achieve our Mission and Vision in a very real way.

Chaperoning Fieldtrips

Each class takes around three field trips a year and we need around 5-8 chaperones for each. Be sure your your volunteer paperwork is approved at least 2 weeks before the field trip.

Lunchroom Helpers

Help students out during lunch. You can volunteer specific days of the week or even sign up for once a month. For reference, our lunch times are:
K lunch: 11:10 – 11:45
3rd grade lunch: 11:15 – 11:45
2nd and 5th grade & FOCUS lunch: 11:45 – 12:15
1st and 3rd grade lunch: 12:15 – 12:45

Helping Teachers with Prep Work

Copying, filing, hanging artwork, taking artwork down, etc. Projects and activities take a lot of time to prep. Parents will offer to come once a week or so, and make copies, file, laminate, cut out things, and hang and take down projects in the hall.

1:1 Reading

This can be half hour to one hour once per week. I can work with parents to find a time that works for both of us. Duties will include listening to students read, helping with fluency (stop at periods, pause at commas, etc.), and then asking general questions (that I provide) to help with comprehension.

Reading with Kinders

Reading with kids in the hallway.  You will grab a student and some books at their level and help them read, ask them comprehension questions and write down your observations in a binder.  This is so helpful for getting kids reading all the time, and having an adult listen to them is invaluable!

Writer’s/ Reader’s Workshop

Help kids sound out words and get them written down on their papers, or read with kids during independent and partner reading time. You can sign up for one day and come once a week or every other week, whatever works best for you, but please let me know when you are coming. 

Math Centers 

Lead a math center, helping students stay on track and use their math brains!  (Ideally, 2 people for this job, weekly commitment, can share in needed).  It is always helpful to have adults in the room to help manage groups of kids working in different centers. 

Problem Solving Friday

Two to three parents who will come for one hour on Fridays during our math block. These parents will monitor a station such as logic, problem solving, or games. This job can be shared with another parent. Stations stay the same for two weeks, so two weeks on two weeks off if shared.

Help in the Classroom During Specific Subjects

This can be flexible around the volunteer’s schedule and they would not have to commit to every week if they were not able too. Most often teachers need classroom volunteers during literacy centers and math centers, writing time, and complicated projects.

Room Parents

Plan class parties, often working with room parents in other classrooms to plan grade level parties. In the past we have had a Halloween party, a winter/snow party, and an end of the year party.

Party Planner

Plan and organize all those fun parties throughout the year.  This volunteer would work closely with the Room Parent.

Art Room Volunteers

Check with Ms. DiPrima dmdiprima@seattleschools.org for dates that she could use some extra assistance.


Some classes use folders to house paper communication to and from school and to send home projects in. First thing in the morning, it is wonderful to have a helper check through all the students’ folders and remove notes/papers for teachers, and stuff the folders with any communication that needs to go home that day. 

Book Order Helper

Teacher can train you after school one day so you can learn how to do this job.  It’s a fun one, since you get to be the one that passes out the books, and kids love new books!

Library Organizer

Come in once a week and organize the classroom library, make the books look tidy, put books back in the correct level.

Science Kit Helper

We get 3 science kits a year and we need to inventory them when they get here and when it’s time to send them back to the district.  This job can be done any time during the day or before and after school.  It’s just 6 times a year and takes about 30-40 min each time. 

Roots of Empathy Instructors

Are you looking for a fun and meaningful way to get involved at Loyal Heights this year? We are looking for community members who are interested in becoming a Roots of Empathy instructor! Roots of Empathy is an evidence-based classroom program that teaches social/emotional competence and helps increase empathy for students. The program is centered around regular visits from a baby and their parent and will be taking place in each of our five kindergarten classrooms. The training is required to become an instructor.  After the training, there is a commitment to teach a lesson once a week for the duration of the school year. If you are interested or have additional questions, please contact Brittney Rider at bmrider@seattleschools.org.

Roots of Empathy Families

Do you have a newborn or know someone who does? Our Roots of Empathy program is looking for families to volunteer with their baby in one of our kindergarten classrooms. The program includes regular classroom visits from a parent with a baby to teach these skills. The baby should be two to four months old at the beginning of the program (end of October through mid-November). The parent or parents commit to visiting the classroom with their baby once every three weeks during the program year. This is a rewarding experience and so fun to see students learn from the baby throughout the year. If you are interested or have additional questions, please contact Brittney Rider at bmrider@seattleschools.org.

How to Apply to Volunteer with Seattle Public Schools

Why Volunteer in Your Child’s School?

  • Higher grades, test scores, and graduation rates
  • Better attendance
  • Increased motivation & self-esteem

Checklist for New Volunteers

Visit our volunteer website to:

  • Review volunteer handbook
  • Complete online training
  • Apply securely online
  • Background check required

Questions? Contact your school office or visit the SPS Volunteer page to learn more.

Additional Steps for Certain Volunteer Roles

The following volunteer roles require a national background check, regardless of how long the volunteer has resided in Washington:

  1. Unsupervised volunteers who work with children regularly (including remote/virtual volunteers).
  2. Volunteers chaperoning overnight field trips longer than three days.
  3. Volunteers involved in any sports or gym activities coordinated by the school (for Athletics see *).

If situations 2 or 3 apply to you, visit the volunteer website to learn more.

* Important: Athletic coaches must apply via the SPS Athletics Department.

Sports Safety

All gym and sports volunteers must be current on CPR, First Aid, Sudden Cardiac Arrest and Concussion Courses.

Field Trips

Field trip volunteers supervise students. Once approved to volunteer, request additional forms from the field trip organizer to review and acknowledge your important responsibilities.

Keeping Students Safe

Child Abuse Prevention

Nationally, one in four girls and one in six boys are sexually abused before age 18. Volunteers help to protect children by learning to recognize and report potential abuse.

At SPS, each volunteer completes an online Sexual Misconduct Prevention training before start of their service.

Criminal Background Check

  • If you have lived in Washington State for the past three (3) years, SPS will complete your state background check at no cost to you.
  • If you came to Washington from another state in the past three years, you will need to purchase a one-time national background check.

New or newly returned to the U.S.?

Visit the SPS Volunteer page for more information.

Why is there a fee for out-of-state background checks?

Unlike our state, the federal government does not provide schools with free screening tools. SPS selected a vendor to offer secure, affordable background checks for the volunteers who need them ($21 in most cases).

Frequently Asked Questions

I completed an online application last year. Do I have to reapply this year?

Your online application is on file so please do not create a new application. On your second volunteer anniversary, you will receive an email with login instructions to renew your application.

Can I use my smart phone to apply?
Our online volunteer application is smart-phone friendly.

Thank you for helping create safe schools, and for your generous donation of time and talent!