Loyal Heights Elementary

Student Family Portal
Specialists – Art

2024 September

Student Art – 2024 September


Marvelous Me
Students created paper dolls focusing on what makes them unique and amazing. Then, students added two props connected to their cultures and/or personal interests.

First Grade

Found – Objects Portraiture
Students studied mentor “re-maker” artist Jane Perkins. Using unconventional and repurposed materials, they created a self-portrait. Then, they chose a self-pride title.

Second Grade

Backshot – Portraits
After texture studies, students imagined what their dreams (fantasy or goal-focused) would look like.

Third Grade

Autobiographical Graphic Panels
Students studied the components/style of several graphic artists. After selecting a small-seed moment that left an impact, students created their own graphic panels.

Fourth Grade

Book of Me
Students chose 3 events that helped form the person they are today. Then, they chose their own art styles and mediums to depict their events/emotions.

Fifth Grade

Political Cartoons
Students studied mentor artist Jake Ormes. After selecting a topic, they were passionate about, students used emphasis, exaggeration, and symbolism to create their own political cartoons.