2025 January & February
Clay Pinch Pot – pot monsters
Students learned about pinch pots and practiced the technique. Then, they designed their own pinch-pot monsters.

First Grade
Clay Coil Heart
Students learned about coil pottery, and then they created coil hearts.

Second Grade
Clay Models Part 2 – Comics
Students learned that models (clay characters) are often created in order for artists to “bring to life” their ideas for a comic, graphic novel or animated film.

Third Grade
Fraction Pizza
Students learned about unit forms and fraction forms to create their own fraction pizzas. Then, students studied logos/ marketing to create their own unique packaging design.

Fourth Grade
Students learned about mono-printing and identity symbols. They then studied mentor artist Favianna Rodriguez before creating their own metallic prints.

Fifth Grade
Egyptian Parodies
Students studied Egyptian art and mentor artist Richard Deuer. Then, students created their own contemporary tomb drawings