Loyal Heights Elementary


SPS & LH Advanced Learning

Advanced Learning at Loyal Heights

Loyal Heights is committed to fostering an inclusive and equitable learning environment that cultivates the strengths and talents of every student. Through universal design and individualized supports, we ensure that each student has access to challenging and meaningful learning opportunities.

Visit the Seattle Public Schools Advanced Learning page for additional information. 

Underlying Differentiation Principles

Teachers differentiate instruction in all classrooms using universally designed strategies to ensure all students have access to challenging, engaging learning experiences. advanced learning (AL) and highly capable services and supports are integrated into the class or grade-level cohort, fostering inclusion and collaboration.

Based on works published by the ASCD, Differentiating Instruction in Response to Student Readiness, Interest, and Learning Profile in Academically Diverse Classrooms (Tomlinson et al., 2003), these are the foundational principles for differentiating instruction:

  • Differentiate by content “what you teach”: Differentiated content can be based on the variety of learning styles, interests (choice), learning contracts, targeted resources, acceleration, and curriculum compacting etc.
  • Differentiate by process, or “how you teach it”: Differentiated processes can include multi-modal instruction, tiered curriculum, learning centers, learning contracts, journal prompts, choice of work partners etc.
  • Differentiate by product “how you assess it”: Differentiated products: self-assessment and peer assessment strategies, project-based learning, tiered rubrics, interest-based assignments, etc.
  • Differentiate by learning environment “where it takes place”: Differentiated learning environments include a focus on development of the classroom as a community of learners; strategies can include formative assessment practices, collaborative development of classroom procedures, class meetings, shared decision making, response journals, debates, “me” presentations etc.

Identifying Need for Advanced Learning

Students will be identified for AL services based on several qualifying factors. In general, advanced, or accelerated learning, will be based on subject and individual progress throughout the year, with students not being locked into the offerings. Additionally, all students may qualify for these offerings.

  1. Students will be considered for Advanced Learning services through equitable and inclusive practices grounded in the district’s Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework. This ensures that potential is nurtured across all groups of learners, fostering growth and opportunity for every student.
  2. Teachers will identify and indicate if students are receiving advanced learning during our once per 8 week grade level team MTSS meeting. Teachers may include additional progress monitoring in addition to whole school screeners.
  3. Through the district AL identification process, Loyal Heights students designated as AL or HC will have access to advanced learning. While a student may have a particular designation, if a student is struggling in a particular area, they can also be identified as needing intervention.

Differentiation Strategies at Loyal Heights

The following is a list of differentiated learning opportunities available at Loyal Heights. Teachers, by grade level, will communicate specific information as to how this occurs in their class.


Teachers identify reading levels and use flexible grouping strategies to create inclusive, interest-driven reading experiences for all students. Instruction is designed to engage students at varying levels of complexity, fostering growth in higher-level thinking, collaboration, and a love for reading.

  • Independent reading: Students are provided with choice books they read to appropriately place them in groups of interest and advanced ability
  • Shared Reading and Book Clubs: Students will be paired or partnered with peers at similar reading levels. This creates a supportive learning environment for a range of readers to develop reading with higher level thinking skills.
  • Students will receive literacy instruction and assignments in varying levels of complexity and depth based on the current standard of study.
  • Students demonstrating mastery of a skill or standard will work at an accelerated pace to enable lesson extensions based on current standard of study.
  • Advanced readers will move to more challenging reading groups upon mastery.

Writing assignment rubrics identify more in-depth or advanced written response options that are graded by the teacher. Note: This includes ELA and Social Studies.

Project rubrics include more in depth-response options that are graded by the teacher. Note: This includes ELA and Social Studies.


  • Flexible grouping strategies ensure that all students receive personalized support and opportunities to engage in deep, meaningful mathematical learning. Instruction is designed to challenge students at their level while fostering collaboration and growth within a supportive classroom environment.
  • Based on groupings, teachers offer individualized and deeper instruction to students within like ability levels, thus allowing students to go deeper into instruction with teacher and peers.
  • Students will receive their math instruction and assignments in varying levels of complexity and depth based on the current standard of study.
  • Students demonstrating mastery of a skill or standard will work at an accelerated pace to enable lesson extensions based on current standard of study.
  • Teachers offer extension activities for all students to complete that will be graded/scored to provide feedback.

Additional Enrichment and Leadership Opportunities

Our enrichment and leadership opportunities, such as the Global Reading Challenge, science fairs, and Student Council, are designed to foster creativity, collaboration, and a sense of belonging for all students. These programs create pathways for every child to explore their strengths and grow as leaders in our school community. We also look to partner with our school PTA to create enrichment opportunities during the school day and after school.