Loyal Heights Elementary

Student Artwork Spring 2024

Loyal Heights Student Artwork Spring 2024

Please visit the updated Art page to see what the kids have been working on this year. View the galleries with photos of projects per grade level.

More projects will be added quarterly. Enjoy!


Japanese Kite Fish: Students chose symmetrical texture patterns to create their Japanese Carp

Passion Project Day: Students created 3D sculpture with spaghetti sticks and marshmallows.

First and Second Grades

Projects to be posted soon!

Third and Fourth Grades

Herstory Puzzle Pieces
Students chose a woman they admired to complete a portrait study and research template. Students practiced grid-drawing and monochromatic painting. Our influence artist was Amy Sherald.

Fifth Grade

Huichol Native Mexican Yarn Painting
Students studied the history and present-day significance of Huichol yarn painting. They then practiced concentric yarn art.